MIT Museum Presents Kinetic Art Exhibition 5000 Moving Parts

Features large-scale works by leading contemporary kinetic artists: Arthur Ganson, Anne Lilly, Rafael Lozano-Hemmer and John Douglas Powers

5000 Moving Parts
Kinetic Arts Exhibition at the MIT Museum
November 21, 2013-November 30, 2014

CAMBRIDGE, Mass., Nov. 18, 2013 /PRNewswire-USNewswire/ — The MIT Museum announces a new exhibition, 5000 Moving Parts, on view from November 21, 2013-November 30, 2014. Guest curated by Laura Knott, this exhibition will feature large-scale works by four North American artists whose sculptures and interactive machinery show the wide range of work taking place in the contemporary kinetic art field.

Artists participating in this New England exhibition at the MIT Museum are: Arthur Ganson, Anne Lilly, Rafael Lozano-Hemmer and John Douglas Powers. This “year of kinetic art” at the MIT Museum—in addition to the exhibition, includes robust public programs including: meet the artist events, the 16th annual Friday After Thanksgiving chain reaction extravaganza led by Arthur Ganson, yoga in the gallery, demonstrations and more.

Arthur Ganson, whose work has long been exhibited at the MIT Museum is working with sound artist Christina Campanella to include in 5000 Moving Parts an audio component in his piece titled Machine with Breath. Anne Lilly who works and teaches in Massachusetts will be showing a new piece – one that is carefully engineered and elicits connections between a visitor’s exterior physical space, and their own private psychological domain. Artist Rafael Lozano-Hemmer’s piece Please Empty Your Pockets asks visitors to do just that while they contemplate the meaning of captured imagery, memory and political interference with some of the most basic aspects of one’s life. On view for the first time in New England, Ialu, the large-scale work by John Douglas Powers, references the Mid-western countryside of the artist’s childhood, and Japanese Buddhist temples visited while in the Far East.

Working at the intersection of art, science and technology, the artists who are showing their work are rooted in the MIT tradition of exploration and experimentation. Visitors from around the world connect at the MIT Museum with the values that have provided the foundation for innovation and invention since the founding of the Institute. The Museum is open daily to the public, and is located in the heart of Cambridge, Massachusetts in the Central Square Cultural District.