Damien Hirst’s Other Criteria Opens First US Location

NEW YORK, May 7, 2014 /PRNewswire/ — Other Criteria, the arts-based publishing company founded by Damien Hirst, opened its first retail location in the US yesterday.  Kicking off New York’s contemporary art week, the company announced robust business at its latest location on first day sales.The company confirmed that on opening day, it had sold out of the entire edition of 50 large “Mickey” silkscreen prints by Hirst, introduced to coincide with the store’s debut.  “We are very pleased to finally have opened in New York, and look forward to better serving our clients in the US.  Sales have been extremely positive and we are delighted with the welcome we have received,”says Jason Beard, Other Criteria’s Creative Director.

At the invitation of Walt Disney, Hirst reinterpreted its famous mascot, Mickey Mouse, as one of his iconic Spot Paintings. A portion of the profits from each print is donated to Kids Company, a UK-based charity providing support to vulnerable inner-city children.

Founded in London in 2005, Other Criteria specializes in high-quality prints, editions, artist books, and functional artist objects. Working with many noted artists, Other Criteria has developed a versatile network of resources to support the production of its collaborators, sourcing artisans, printers, fabricators and materials worldwide.

Located at 458 Broome Street in SoHo, Other Criteria’s New York store carries the full array of products found in the brand’s stores in the UK, including original prints, editions, books, jewelry, and artist designed items, including rugs, wallpaper and vases. The two-floor, 3000+ square foot U.S. flagship store features a series of elegant monolithic displays along with glass cases for precious items such as the exclusive jewelry line designed by Damien Hirst in collaboration with Los Angeles jeweler Hoorsenbuhs.  An airy lower level exhibition space provides an environment for exhibitions, readings, and screenings.

Other Criteria features work by more than 40 artists and stocks a range of products to suit all budgets. The store is open to the public 11am to 7pm Monday through Saturday and noon to 6pm on Sunday.