SF Comics Fest @sfcomicsfest (Cartoon Art Museum)
The San Francisco Comics Fest is proud to announce the official calendar of events for its inaugural celebration, organized by members of the Bay Area comics community. The weeklong programming will kick off Sunday, May 3, 2015 following Free Comic Book Day. Satellite events will be held throughout the city and conclude on Saturday, May 10, 2015.
Extended descriptions of events can be found at SFComicsFest.com/calendar.
San Francisco Comics Fest is a celebration of comics culture – past, present and future – with festival events highlighting four core aspects of the vibrant community:
·Rich history of artistic rebellion and comics innovation
·Unique intersection of cultural influences shared among creators
·Commitment to comics education
·Responsibility to shape the future of comics through technology in a positive, equitable way
Sunday, May 3, 2015
Kids Drawing Workshop
Time: 10 am – 12pm
Cost and Audience: Free and All ages
Location: Comix Experience Outpost, 2381 Ocean Avenue, San Francisco
Contact: (415) 239-2669, comixexperience.com
Mangaka: The Fast and Furious Game of Drawing Comics!
Time: 12pm to 3pm
Cost and Audience: Free and All ages
Location: Cartoon Art Museum, 655 Mission Street, San Francisco
Contact: (415) CAR-TOON, cartoonart.org
Bay Area Queer Cartoonists
Time:3 pm to TBA
Cost and Audience:Free and All ages
Location: The Center for Sex and Culture,1349 Mission Street, San Francisco
Contact:(415) 902-2071, sexandculture.org
The Fantastic Ladies Comics Club presents: A Red Sonja Q&A with Gail Simone
Time:7 pm to 8:30 pm
Cost and Audience:Free (RSVP required*) and Women only (including LGBT+ and non-binary adults)
Location: Fantastic Comics, 2026 Shattuck Avenue, Berkeley, CA
Contact: (510) 848-4988 *RSVP to: fantasticcomicsgirl@gmail.com
California College of the Arts Student Comics Fair
Time: 4 pm to TBA
Cost and Audience:Free and All ages
Location: Escapist Comics, 3090 Claremont Avenue, Berkeley
Contact:(510) 652-6642, escapistcomics.com
Mission: Comics & Art Creator Meetup: When Buddha beats Batman; a comics practice with Mark Badger
Time:7 pm to 9 pm
Cost and Audience:Free and All ages
Location: Mission: Comics and Art, 3520 20th Street, San Francisco
Contact:(415) 695-1545, missioncomicsandart.com
Tuesday, May 5, 2015
A Celebration of Underground Comix
Time: 7 pm to 9 pm
Cost and Audience: Free to the public, Adults Only
Location: Cartoon Art Museum, 655 Mission Street, San Francisco
Contact:(415) CAR-TOON, cartoonart.org
Isotope University: Mastering crowdfunding with Alex Woolfson
Time: 6:00 pm to 7:30 pm
Cost and Audience: Free and All ages
Location: Isotope The Comics Lounge, 326 Fell Street, San Francisco
Contact: (415) 621-6543, isotopecomics.com
Wednesday, May 6, 2015
Comix Experience Ladies Night – Science Edition
Time: 8 pm to 10 pm
Cost and Audience: Free and All ages
Location: Comix Experience, 305 Divisadero Street, San Francisco
Contact: (415) 863-9258, comixexperience.com
Thursday, May 7, 2015
Comics 4 Comix
Time: Doors 7 pm, show 8 pm to 9 pm
Cost and Audience: General admission: $12, General admission plus a small donation: $15, General admission for two: $20; All ages
Location: Cartoon Art Museum, 655 Mission Street, San Francisco
Contact: (415) CAR-TOON, cartoonart.org
Mission: Comic Book Club Monthly Meetup discusses Displaced Persons
Time: 7 pm to 9 pm
Cost and Audience: Free and Age restricted
Location: Mission: Comics and Art, 3520 20th Street, San Francisco
Contact: (415) 695-1545, missioncomicsandart.com
Beauty Bar Costume Dance Party!
Time: 7 pm to 11 pm
Cost and Audience: Free and 21+ only
Location: Beauty Bar, 3520 20th Street, San Francisco
Contact: (415) 285-0323, thebeautybar.com/home-san-francisco/
Friday, May 8, 2015
Academy of Art Cosplay Figure Drawing
Time: 7 pm to 10 pm
Cost and Audience: Free for students or $5 non-students and All ages
Location: Academy of Art – Illustration Building, 540 Powell Street, San Francisco
Contact: https://www.facebook.com/events/298038000366714/
Saturday, May 9, 2015
30 for 30th: Mini-Comics Challenge
Time: 11:30 am to 5 pm
Cost and Audience: Included with Cartoon Art Museum admission
Location: Cartoon Art Museum, 655 Mission Street, San Francisco
(415) CAR-TOON, cartoonart.org
Isotope University: Writing for comics with Devin Grayson
Time: 2pm to 4pm
Cost and Audience: Free and All ages
Location: Isotope The Comics Lounge, 326 Fell Street, San Francisco
Contact: (415) 621-6543, isotopecomics.com
Sunday, May 10, 2015
Family Comics Day
Time: 2 pm to 4 pm
Cost and Audience: Free and All ages
Location: San Francisco Public Library, Main Library, 100 Larkin Street, San Francisco
Contact: (415) 557-4400, http://sfpl.org/index.php?pg=1019891401
Bay Area’s Paint Pens Collective and Never Ending Radical Dude present QUICK DRAW SF!
Time: 4 pm to 8 pm
Cost and Audience: Free and All ages
Location: F8, 1192 Folsom Street, San Francisco
Contact: (415) 857-1192, feightsf.com