Tribute to Roberto Paolini, Milan

On the occasion of EXPO 2015, on May 12th at 07:00 p.m., “TRIBUTE TO ROBERTO PAOLINI”, exhibition dedicated to the multifaceted figure of artist and chef Roberto Paolini, will inaugurate at Galleria Bianconi in Milan.

According to international collective imagination, Italy, its culture and its identity have always been associated with the Culture of “Doing” and with the pursuit of “Beauty”. This same culture, this same tradition hosted, during the Renaissance, craft masters dealing with frescoes of major cathedrals as well as beautifully decorated wedding chests for princes and noblesse or portraits on the surface of fragile and precious majolica. Since then they have been working with the same commitment and the same artistic design. “Tribute to Roberto Paolini” aims to celebrate this “classical” tradition, transformed into contemporary, during such important dialectic moment between Italy and the constellation of international cultures.

As written by Adriana Polveroni in the text that accompanies the exhibition: “Roberto Paolini was an “artist of doing”, who created masterpieces with his hands. His works were absolutely unique: either when they were ingenious dishes, when talking about food was not a voguish habit, but food could still be an inventive gesture […], and either when they were jewels looking like wearable sculptures. All of them were elaborate, unpredictable, precious artworks. […] Materials for Roberto Paolini were important, had to be respected but above all explored, in order to bring out their potential, the least obvious solutions that they held within them.”

For this reason the “matter”, whether iron, glass or pigment, recalls an ancient wisdom that, reinterpreted through the questions on the meaning of light, color, shape, or space, according to the lesson of artists such as Lucio Fontana, Sol LeWitt and many others, becomes archetypal icon of identity, of belonging to a culture.

In Galleria Bianconi, thanks to the collaboration with Archive Paolini, that made possible the exhibition, in addition to the works on display (courtesy of the Archive Paolini), for the first time, an installation made with sculptures produced in limited edition, created according to Roberto Paolini’s will, design and strict instructions will be shown to the public. In these sculptures the perfect shape of primigenial egg, shaped like a golem from the earth, becomes at once, through a gash performed by man, the portrait of the artist and of each one of us in our individuality and multitude. Bianconi Gallery will host the exhibition until June 16 and the limited editions will be on sale at the Galleria Bianconi.

As conclusion of the opening, in the charming rooms of Palazzo Segreti, it will follow a performance by international chef Roberto Valbuzzi, who will reproduce an artwork faithfully translated into culinary creation and will reinterpret selected dishes created by artist and chef Roberto Paolini (invitation is required). A journey through the possible connections between art and cuisine, very different disciplines but extraordinarily able to take inspiration by the same forms and the same expressive languages.

Roberto Paolini, Riquadro III
Roberto Paolini, Riquadro III