The Poetics of Code

The Poetics of Code
Streaming Museum
March 15 – May 15 2010

Eduardo Kac
Streaming Museum is pleased to announce the opening of “The Poetics of Code” an exhibition of artwork by two pioneer contemporary artists – “HD Traffic” John F. Simon, Jr. and “Lagoglyphs” by Eduardo Kac. The exhibition can be viewed March 15 – May 15 at Streaming Museum and throughout a global network of public spaces.

Code lies at the core of both works as method and meaning. In HD Traffic, Simon built with software code an architectural Mondrian-inspired work designed to integrate real-time traffic data flow. Kac’s series of lagoglyphs artworks, reference and expand upon his controversial genetically altered Alba the GFP Bunny 2000. The real-time animations, continuously flowing and reconfiguring themselves, place emphasis on the generative mutability of writing and the encoded nature of life.

Streaming Museum