“Myth, or Truth; A glance over the metamorphosis of divinity”
Philalethes launches his exhibition ”Myth, or Truth: A glance over the metamorphosis of divinity”, a tantalizing story dealing with humanity’s quest of spirituality and fathoming the world in accordance to their idée fixes.
Google Arts and Culture takes the audience through a round trip of the world with stories that encompasses all inhabited continents, and that have shaped the imagination but above all the way entire populations make sense of their environments. Life and death were, and in fact to our days, can be decided based upon arbitrary interpretations of myths, and ancient stories.
“Myth, or Truth” ought to be a journey of learning, reflection and realization for those who behold it, and study it. A journey that continues with the rhythm of humanity. Embark in the journey beginning in ancient Aotearoa, and discover how the perennial suffering of Rangi and Papa created the oceans, and allowed for light into the world.
Who reminisces today Alulim? Most kings won’t know who he was, and yet his kingship that spanned over 36,000 years was a gift from heaven to humanity. Would the newly enthroned Charles III know anything about him?
Just as the Maori, the Nipponese make sense of day and night through mighty imagery but what has Ukemochi’s banquet to do with anything? Amateratsu may have separated from Tsukuyomi yet the sun deity still watches over her mortal lineage of Japanese emperors in ‘Facing Destiny’.
Also in Northern Europe, Ragnarök brought about renewal and a new epoch for humanity, just ask Baldr. Albeit not all new dawns are successful as was the case with Julian’s failed attempt to restore the Greco-Roman rites, to build up a new Jewish Temple and resurrect the Egyptian gods.
In some cultures, such as the Mexica, the light has been turned off, to the point that Cuatlicue keeps on ‘mourning her children’. Whereas some cultures have been covered by dusts, others continue to thrive in enrich themselves with their past to create a present narrative, and one that will carry on unto the future, as with Margrethe II’s daisies.
At the end, the only fine way to continue with our mythic mindset is for some to elegantly jump onto a cloud, and ride away into obscurity, as did the ‘Holy Iguana’.
Online exhibition: https://artsandculture.google.com/story/2QXhM9JEEWcHeQ