Nordic Pavilion at the Venice Biennale

The Boards representing the members of The Nordic Commission have together adopted a new format for future collaboration in the Nordic Pavilion at the Venice Biennale. This will take effect with the next biennale in 2011.

To revitalise the exhibiting conditions for this important manifestation, one Nordic country will take responsibility, in turns, for the management and curating of the exhibition in the pavilion.

The rotation begins with Sweden in 2011, Finland in 2013 and Norway in 2015. The two countries not responsible for the pavilion, will establish alternative venues in Venice during the Biennale period independently, at yet to be designated venues.

The Nordic Committee is composed of FRAME – Finnish Fund for Art Exchange in Helsinki, The Moderna Museet in Stockholm, and Office for Contemporary Art Norway in Oslo. The Committee will continue to be active throughout this time, and plans to review its model of collaboration at the end of the six-year period (2017).

Moderna Museet