No Formula One No Cry
Centre for Contemporary Art, Aberdeen presents a festival within a festival. Not so much boutique as ‘guest house’. Some of the best new music in Scotland (and some from further afield) over three days in the intimate surroundings of our gallery. A mobile sound installation as part of sound festival 2011, the launch of “No Formula One No Cry” will be held on Saturday 29 Oct at the IMP & PVA sound music festival. “No Formula One No Cry” is an Anri Sala’s special project, curated by Fani Zguro. “No Formula One No Cry” explores the relationship between speed and space in the city.
Presented in a city-centre taxi, “No Formula One No Cry” offers a multi-layered collage of images, sounds and emotions. The familiar, rhythmic cry of the Formula One car is interrupted by the unsettling sound of stray dogs barking. The ‘speed’ at which we perceive and experience the city becomes a central feature of the work; the imagined adrenaline rush of travelling in the racing car is frustrated by the sober reality of journeying in a taxi. “No Formula One No Cry” is an ongoing project already hosted in Tirana, Frankfurt, Birmingham, Kitakyushu, Miami, Paris, Vienna, Vlora, Milan, Vaasa and Medellin. Anyone interested can order the cab and ask the taxi driver to turn on the sound project for the duration of the trip.