Le Latitudini dell’arte: Italy / The Netherlands contemporary art Biennial

10 July – 1 August 2021 Pulchri Studio – Den Haag, Opening 10 July, 15.00 hours

At Pulchri Studio in Den Haag, Art Commission presents the international Biennial exhibition “Le Latitudini dell’Arte” Italy – The Netherlands, on the theme “Water and light”. The exhibition will be inaugurated in the presence of: Virginia Monteverde, curator; Giorgio Novello, Ambassador of Italy to The Netherlands; Paola Cordone, director of the Italian Cultural Institute in Amsterdam; Marieta Reijerkerk, chairman of Pulchri Studio. Musical performance by New Phoenix Ensemble: Letizia Maulà, clarinet and Sylvia Cempini, cello.

The Biennale Le Latitudini dell’Arte will exhibit the works of 30 Italian and 30 Dutch artists selected by the groups and foundations that will participate in the event. Francesco Candeloro is one of the selected artists, already present at the inauguration of the Berlendis space, will bring to Pulchri Studio an installation consisting of six photographs: shots taken at night on which the refractions of light sought and expected by the lens are decisive. Candeloro with colors and lights narrates moods, fragments of stories amplified in space and time thanks to patiently researched expansions of light.

Light as a narrative thread of the Venetian artist’s emotional works and at all latitudes of art, as it happened during the freezing of all cultural and artistic activities due to the covid: “During the first lockdown I could no longer go to the studio or follow the realization of the works in the external laboratories. In that period I started drawing again until I had material available, then I started a series of self-portraits at home composing and photographing objects. I did a group show in Amsterdam with one of these self-portraits: I sent a file and they printed and set up. Colors and lights, yes, adapted with what I had to work“.

The Biennial was born in 2013 with the aim of promoting and encouraging the artistic and cultural exchange between Italy and other European countries. The fourth edition Netherlands – Italy was created in Genoa in 2019 with the collaboration of Palazzo Ducale Fondazione per la Cultura. The exhibition, conceived and curated by Virginia Monteverde, includes the participation of Italian and Dutch artists. As in previous editions the artists have been selected thanks to the collaboration of galleries and foundations of both countries. The Biennale Le Latitudini dell’Arte at Pulchri Studio in Den Haag, will be inaugurated on 10 July 2021.

At the linguistic level, multimediality and the fluid state of the social fabric of post-modernity, as theorized by the political scientist and philosopher Zygmunt Bauman, recursively connote the artistic choices of the broad cultural landscape delineated by the curator” – said Viana Conti – “In an age of globalization and of the de-aestheticization of art versus a widespread aestheticization of the commodity as fetish, our advanced capitalist society inevitably shows signs of tension, with its resolved and unresolved conflicts, its migratory flows, its desperate journeys of hope, its ecological degradation or recovery, its questions open to the present and the future. The scenario resulting from a selective panorama of thirty Dutch and an equal number of Italian artists clearly reflects the signs, symptoms, openings and closures of the horizon, which every artist, as a sensitive creative seismograph of the surrounding context, projects into his or her work”.

The exhibition was made possible under the patronage of: Ambasciata Italiana L’Aja, Istituto Italiano di Cultura di Amsterdam, Camera di Commercio di Genova, Camera di Commercio Italiana in Amsterdam, Regione Liguria, Comune di Genoa.

Participating artists are Annemieke Alberts, Pat Andrea, Aqua Aura, Rebecca Ballestra, Stefania Beretta, Roland Berning, Merijn Bolink, Federico Bonelli, Stefano Cagol, Francesco Candeloro, Wim Claessen, Davide Coltro, Vania Comoretti, Kitty Doomernik, Stephen Eastaugh, Peter Edel, Theo Eissens, Anne-Claire van Elshout, Aaron van Erp, Inés Fontenla, Daniele Galliano, Armida Gandini, Roberto Ghezzi, Mauro Ghiglione, Lory Ginedumont, Gian Luca Groppi, Roos van Haaften, Willem van den Hoed, Carla Iacono, Fukushi Ito, Marc Philip van Kempen, PierPaolo Koss, Danielle Kwaaitaal, Kiki Lamers, David Lascaris, Margherita Levo Rosenberg, Roberto de Luca, Raquel Maulwurf, Federica Marangoni, Malena Mazza, Viviana Milan, Hidenori Mitsue, Lin de Mol, Virginia Monteverde, Jef Nassenstein, Pieter Obels, Mimmo Padovano, Gianluca Patti, Annalisa Pisoni Cimelli, Monica Ragazzini, Joseph Sassoon Semah, Ellen Schippers, Charlotte Schrameijer, Daniele Sigalot, Ingrid Simons, Julius Stibbe, Vania Elettra Tam, Ton van Kints, Tessa Verder, Francesco Vieri.

The galleries and foundations of the Biennale: Biederberg Gallery , BREED ART , CANEPANERI , C | E Contemporary , Guidi & Schoen , Francis Boeske Projects , Galerie ROGER KATWIJK , Lang Art Galllery , Sharevolution Contemporary Art , VisionQuesT 4rosso Contemporary Photography.

Pulchri Studio
070 – 346 17 35 / info@pulchri.nl
Date: 07.10.21 – 08.01.21
Opening: 07.10.21 3pm
Lange Voorhout 15, 2514 EA L’Aia
