Wyeth: Andrew and Jamie in the Studio @MuseoThyssen
Wyeth: Andrew and Jamie in the Studio will also reveal how in some cases the two artists’ work ran in parallel, was mutually complementary or even provoked challenges. Generous access to the private collections of Andrew and Betsy Wyeth and of Jamie Wyeth has allowed the exhibition’s curator, Timothy J. Standring, curator of painting and sculpture at the Gates Foundation of Denver Art Museum, to devise a comprehensive exhibition that includes major works by both artists, spanning every period of their respective careers.
To coincide with the exhibition, the Museum is presenting The Secret Sits. Wyeth´s Wonderland, an exhibition on the French photographer Joséphine Douet who followed Andrew Wyeth photographing the places and motifs that inspired him in his native city of Chadds Ford (Pennsylvania, USA) from a new viewpoint. A selection of 27 photographs that offers a recreation of Wyeth’s output as well as a variation on it, given that both the vision of the everyday offered by these two artists and the secrets that they reveal in their works are different.