Chelsea Art Museum

The Chelsea Art Museum

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The Chelsea Art Museum – Home of the Miotte Foundation – (CAM) is dedicated to showing art from an international standpoint and provides an intimate platform for individual artists and thematic group shows that may not find a home in larger art institutions. In addition, CAM does exchange programs with other organizations around the world. This concept of providing a platform for artists and ideas that are not addressed elsewhere in the U.S. originates from the Jean Miotte Foundation (housed at CAM and dedicated to archiving, preserving, presenting and making available for exhibitions the work of Jean Miotte). Miotte’s work is very much influenced by dance and music, and the Chelsea Art Museum also supports this integration of the arts, understanding that they work together and often influence each other. For more information visit

The Chelsea Art Museum
556 West 22nd Street (at 11th Avenue) Tel: 212.255.0719
New York, NY 10011
Museum Hours: Tue-Sat 11am-6pm, Thur 11am-8pm
$8 general/$4 students-seniors/members free