Sensory Spaces #MuseumBoijmansVanBeuningen

Sensory Spaces
Museum Boijmans Van Beuningen
8 June – 29 September 2013

Oscar Tuazon
This summer Museum Boijmans Van Beuningen is launching a new exhibition format: ‘Sensory Spaces’. For the next three years high-profile, internationally active, contemporary artists will be invited to develop a work in relation to the Willem van der Vorm Gallery.
For three years Museum Boijmans Van Beuningen will provide a platform dedicated to contemporary art in the series ‘Sensory Spaces’. Each year three artists will be invited to produce a site-specific work in the Willem van der Vorm Gallery. The selected artists will be invited to respond to the specific characteristics of this particular environment in a stimulating and innovative manner.

The artists chosen to participate in ‘Sensory Spaces’ have never or rarely exhibited in the Netherlands and this will be their first solo exhibition in a Dutch museum. They will be selected for the quality of their work and its relevance to ‘Sensory Spaces’. The first exhibition features the American artist Oscar Tuazon (1975). His presentation will be followed in October by the German artist Sabine Hornig (1964).

The artists will bring to the project their distinct vision, working method, use of materials and will thus each unveil his or her own experience to the space. The artworks will be made specially for ‘Sensory Spaces’ and so the results cannot be predicted. Each exhibition will be accompanied by a bilingual booklet with an essay by the curator responsible.

The 190m2 Willem van der Vorm Gallery has a very open structure. The gallery is located in the entrance area, which contains the ticket desk, information desk and cloakroom and which is visited by hundreds of people each day. This location has been expressly chosen in order to bring every museum visitor into contact with the latest developments in the visual arts.

Contemporary art in the museum and in the Submarine Wharf
The first edition of ‘Sensory Spaces’, from 8 June until 29 September 2013, coincides with the anniversary exhibition ‘The City, the Artists and the Museum. 25 Years Rotterdam City Collection’ in the museum and ‘XXXL Painting’ in the Submarine Wharf in Rotterdam’s docklands.